Trece had paranormal encounters since he was child and most of the houses he lived in as a young child were haunted.  He had a direct experience with one of the ghosts as a teenager that proved beyond a doubt that ghosts are real and do respond to us.  He would like listeners to know ghosts and spirits are simply part of our real world, that talking with them like people is beneficial for the living and the dead, and resolving hauntings 

Tune in now and get Trece thoughts on:

  • Psychic/intuitive children. 
  • What are ghosts and why do they exist? 
  • Moving beyond the paradigm of good and evil when dealing with hauntings. 
  • Trauma, psychic abilities, and hauntings.  
  • AfterLife possibilities
  • And much, much more!


Trece has a free PDF of how to use instant intuition on my website when you sign up for his newsletter.

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